Millennials and Generation X facing the reality of big data and the protection of personal data on the Internet

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Inmaculada Martín Herrera
Mercedes Guerrero Caballero


Introduction: In the current digital era, telematic transactions in collaborative environments have become increasingly common daily processes. These transactions involve the transfer of personal data, which is stored by the involved entities. However, in most cases, users of these services and platforms are unable to control the processing and use of their data. The present study aims to explore the perceptions of the adult Spanish population regarding the management of their personal data in cyberspace and its correlation with big data. Additionally, the study seeks to understand how two personal variables—gender and age—affect these attitudes, with the goal of determining whether there is a gap between men and women and between users from two population generations: Millennials and Generation X. Methodology: Data were collected using a Likert scale consisting of 20 items, administered to a sample of 344 individuals. The analysis of this information involved a descriptive study and a dependency analysis, which allowed for the detection of discrepancies in the results based on age. Results and Discussions: The findings conclude that users demonstrate limited knowledge about the concept and functioning of big data. They express, on one hand, their interest in knowing how their data is used, and on the other hand, their concern about being involved in issues related to their security and the commission of cybercrimes. Conclusions: The study underscores a general lack of awareness among users regarding the management of their personal data in cyberspace and its interaction with big data. This lack of awareness is influenced by personal variables such as gender and age, indicating a potential gap between different demographics in understanding and attitudes towards personal data management and big data.


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How to Cite
Martín Herrera, Inmaculada, and Mercedes Guerrero Caballero. 2023. “Millennials and Generation X Facing the Reality of Big Data and the Protection of Personal Data on the Internet”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication 157 (September):1-20.
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Inmaculada Martín Herrera, Centro Universitario San Isidoro (UPO)

Doctor in Education Sciences. Master's in Communication. Bachelor's in Journalism. Research professor in Communication and Digital Communication degrees at the San Isidoro University Center, affiliated with the Pablo de Olavide University in Seville, Spain. Director of the magazine La Crónica de Sevilla. Research areas: online journalism, educational technology, and media and digital literacy.

Mercedes Guerrero Caballero, Centro Universitario San Isidoro (UPO)

Graduated in Digital Communication from the San Isidoro University Center, affiliated with the Pablo de Olavide University in Seville, Spain. Master's in Professional SEO and SEM from Kschool (School of Internet Professionals) in Madrid. SEO and SEM professional and social media manager in national-level organizations. Her research areas include digital marketing, web positioning, big data, online privacy, and the Internet of Things.


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