Main Article Content
Introduction: There is a slow advancement in the nominations of positions, professions, and labor activities from a gender perspective by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), which is also not in line with the language spoken by the majority of the population and is inverse to the use and application of some expressions. Methodology: The purpose of this research was to develop a systematic study of the use of words with a feminine marker related to the exercise of a position, profession, or labor activity, proposed in the Dictionary of the Spanish Language (DLE) in its twenty-third edition of 2014 to contrast the normative position of the RAE with its real and daily use. A quantitative approach, non-experimental cross-sectional design, comparative descriptive, and non-probabilistic sample of 465 students and teachers from higher education institutions of four political regions of Peru were used. Results and Discussions: The results showed that, of the 24 positions studied with nominations recommended by the RAE, 42% (10) were not accepted by the teachers and students; likewise, it is evident that sexist biases still predominate in the use of words applied to men and women. Conclusions: It was concluded that the RAE is incorporating the nominations of positions, professions, and activities slowly and that the nominations proposed by the RAE are not in line with the use of the population.
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