Disseminators, not influencers: communication of dietitians on social networks

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Iñigo Marauri Castillo
María del Mar Rodríguez- González
Flora Marín Murillo


Introduction: Food generates a growing interest among the population, in particular among young people. The rise of social networks makes them a source of relevant information. In these social networks, expert profiles coexist with untrained influencers. Methodology: This article analyses the key aspects of the presence on social networks of seven of the most important nutritionists in this field in Spanish using a qualitative technique based on in-depth interviews. Results: The relevance of Instagram as the most important network in nutrition is confirmed. Six of the seven refuse to be classified as influencers, a concept to which they attribute objectives and values with which they do not feel identified, and prefer to define themselves as communicators. Nutritionists stress the importance of adapting the message to the characteristics of each of the social networks and only two of the seven combine personal and professional issues in their content. Discussion and conclusions: The role of nutrionists on social networks as disseminators acquires a particular relevance due to the low quality of content related to food. However, in the literature about communication, food and social networks, limits between trained dieticians and influencers are unclear. Connected to that question, the results of the qualitative research are revealing because they show the interviewed nutritionists want to have influence, but they do not want to be consider as influencers.  In contrast to the negative connotation they give to this concept, they defend coherence and authenticity.  They accept branded content if it is clear and transparent, although three of the seven interviewed say they have been witnesses of bad practice.  


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Marauri Castillo, Iñigo, María del Mar Rodríguez- González, and Flora Marín Murillo. 2023. “Disseminators, Not Influencers: Communication of Dietitians on Social Networks”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication 157 (September):1-27. https://doi.org/10.15178/va.2024.157.e1495.
The role of influencers in Health Communication

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