Use of collaborative tools and remote work in the production of news programs in Canal Sur Television after COVID-19 The case of Despierta Andalucía

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Francisco J. Olivares-García
Aránzazu Román-San-Miguel
Inés Méndez-Majuelos


Introduction. This paper examines the persistence of technologies and production models in information production that were used during the pandemic. For instance, the use of collaborative video call tools in live broadcasts, telecommuting, and other applications that have continued even after the lifting of the state of emergency. Methodology. The study employs a mixed-methods approach, combining both qualitative and quantitative elements. To achieve the stated objectives, three data collection instruments were utilized: interviews, surveys, and participant observation. By employing these tools, a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the phenomenon under study was sought, enabling the capture of both subjective and objective aspects. Discussion and Results. The use of these software programs by writers, producers, and directors at Radio Televisión Andaluza is examined, particularly in the daily news program "Despierta Andalucía." Through the partial implementation of telecommuting and collaborative tools, this program manages to surpass the efficiency and productivity levels observed prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusions. Collaborative tools that were employed during the pandemic have become efficient and cost-effective means of production, and therefore, have been maintained in the majority of cases. This is especially true for the use of video conferencing applications for live broadcasts.


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How to Cite
Olivares-García, Francisco J., Aránzazu Román-San-Miguel, and Inés Méndez-Majuelos. 2023. “Use of Collaborative Tools and Remote Work in the Production of News Programs in Canal Sur Television After COVID-19: The Case of Despierta Andalucía”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication 157 (September):1-21.
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Francisco J. Olivares-García, Universidad de Sevilla

Associate Professor in the Department of Journalism II at the Faculty of Communication of the University of Seville since 2012. He holds a PhD in Journalism and served as the Director of the Master's Program in Digital Communication at the University Institute of Postgraduate Studies, a collaborative effort between Carlos III University, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Alicante University, and Santillana Formación. He has been a producer at Canal Sur Radio and Television since 1989, specializing in Multimedia Management and Digital Narratives in the Technical Directorate of Radio and Television of Andalusia. He is a member of the Communication Strategies research group. Currently, he works in the field of Cybersecurity at the Technical Directorate of Radio and Television of Andalusia.

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Aránzazu Román-San-Miguel, Universidad de Sevilla

A Doctor in Journalism from the University of Seville, she is a Full Professor at the Department of Journalism II and an assistant director and instructor of the Master's Program in Sports Journalism at the University of Seville. Additionally, she has served as a co-coordinator and instructor for the Master's Program in Institutional and Political Communication. She has authored several books including "Journalistic Writing in Radio: From Conventional Radio to Podcasting" (Gedisa Editorial); "Protocol in Specialized Journalism: Beyond Politics and Economics" (Fragua); "Cinema, Sports, and Gender: From Social Communication to Coeducation" (Octaedro), as well as contributed book chapters such as "Production and Editing in the New Era of Journalistic and Audiovisual Profession in Miscelánea sobre el entorno audiovisual" (Fragua), and articles in journals covering institutional communication, sports journalism, and audiovisual journalism. She has conducted research stays at the Complutense University of Madrid, the University of Castilla La Mancha, and the Pontifical Salesian University of Rome. Furthermore, she regularly participates in congresses and conferences focused on journalism and communication.

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Inés Méndez-Majuelos, Universidad de Sevilla

Contracted Doctor Professor in the Department of Journalism II at the Faculty of Communication of the University of Seville, and a member of the Research Group "HUM885: Journalistic Narratives and Emerging Technologies." Her scientific work focuses on both the history and innovation of journalism, as well as specialized communication and the evaluation of the impact of regional and scientific development policies.She serves as the scientific and teaching coordinator for various Expert Courses and an Official Master's program at the University of Seville. She is also the supervisor of numerous Bachelor's and Master's theses, as well as one Doctoral thesis. Additionally, she is a member of the University of Seville's Academic Senate.For a period of 16 years, from 2014, she combined these activities with scientific and technical advisory roles at the Andalusian Agency of Knowledge, under the administration of the Junta de Andalucía. In this organization, she carries out tasks related to monitoring and analyzing public policies, communication, and advisory services, particularly regarding international R&D&I policies.

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