Implementation of the H5P laboratory to exercise the creation of digital content in university teachers

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Samuel Diaz Rodas


Introduction: the digital content creation competition has fallen to a level between basic and intermediate that seems impossible to move to an advanced level. The purpose of this study was to implement a H5P laboratory to strengthen said competence in UNAH university professors. Methodology: : through a quantitative descriptive approach, the level of self-perception that teachers have around two dimensions was identified: creation of digital content and reprocessing and creation of virtual learning objects (OVA). Likewise, the H5P laboratory was built using an ADDIE Model and a Cascade Model in its design phase. Results: were obtained from a sample of 25 teachers in which a basic development level A1 is observed for both dimensions. However, specific skills such as word processing and the use of presentations have an intermediate level. Discussion: on the other hand, it was determined that the ADDIE Model is effective for the process of structuring and organizing content. Likewise, the design under a Waterfall Model turned out to be efficient for small projects due to its simplicity and ease of identifying strengths and weaknesses in the sequential steps of the H5P Laboratory. Conclusions: when considering the H5P tool for the creation of OVAs within the framework of strengthening the competence in digital content creation, a specific training process (theoretical-practical) can be established to help achieve the best levels of competence in university teaching staff.


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How to Cite
Diaz Rodas, Samuel. 2023. “Implementation of the H5P Laboratory to Exercise the Creation of Digital Content in University Teachers ”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication 157 (September):1-25.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Samuel Diaz Rodas, National Autonomous University of Honduras

Virtual Education Specialist at the Executive Directorate of Technology Management at the National Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH). Master's degree in Communication and Educational Technologies. Currently pursuing a master's degree in Educational Research with a Socio-anthropological focus at the National University of Córdoba (UNC), Argentina. Member of the research team led by Dr. Servetto at the "María Saleme de Burnichon" Research Center of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities at UNC, Argentina. Bachelor's degree in Pedagogy and Education Sciences with a focus on Administration and Educational Planning from UNAH. Research interests include: Digital technologies applied to education, digital competencies in university faculty, socio-educational experiences of high school students, and secondary education with a socio-anthropological approach.


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