Media focus on the ecological transition in social networksbue

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Celia Sancho Belinchón
Eglée Ortega Fernández


Introduction: Climate change poses a significant threat to society, and as such, it is imperative that the media include raising awareness about the need for an ecological transition as part of their objectives. Given that social media platforms connect millions of people who can act as amplifiers of news on their personal profiles, the treatment of information on these platforms takes on greater importance. This study aims to identify and analyze the focus on ecological transition by six Spanish media outlets on their Instagram and Twitter profiles, which collectively have over 100,000 followers, during the first six months of 2022. Methodology: A content analysis will be conducted on the posts related to ecological transition made by these media outlets on both social media platforms. The analysis will take into consideration various variables, including the percentage of monthly news related to this subject, the most frequently used formats and structures, the approach of the information, the number of likes per post, an analysis of the received comments, content descriptions, and the identification of the most popular entities in this type of information, among other variables. Results: The results indicate that media outlets play a key role in raising awareness about ecological transition in Spain, especially through social media, where they have the ability to inform a large audience instantly. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that media outlets are an essential source of awareness in Spain regarding ecological transition, highlighting their influence on social media. The capacity to inform millions of people instantly makes the media a crucial channel for disseminating information related to ecological transition and raising awareness about climate change.


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How to Cite
Sancho Belinchón, Celia, and Eglée Ortega Fernández. 2023. “Media focus on the ecological transition in social networksbue”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication 157 (November):1-25.
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Celia Sancho Belinchón, Universidad Nebrija

Ph.D. in Audiovisual Communication, Advertising, and Public Relations from the Complutense University of Madrid. With a degree in Journalism, she is the director of the Master's in Digital and Data Journalism at Nebrija University. Since 2021, she has been a professor at Nebrija University, teaching courses in Virtual Community Management in the undergraduate program and in Social Media and Community Manager in the master's program.

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Eglée Ortega Fernández, Universidad Nebrija

She is the Director of the Master's Degree in Digital Marketing and Advertising and a Professor at the Faculty of Communication and Arts at Nebrija University in Madrid. She is also an Associate Professor in the Department of Journalism and New Media at the Faculty of Information Sciences at the Complutense University of Madrid. She holds a Ph.D. in Audiovisual Communication, Advertising, and Public Relations. She is a member of the Innovation and Communication in Media Research Group (Innomedia) at Nebrija University and is also a member of the Feminist Research Institute (Instifem) at the Complutense University of Madrid. Her research focuses on communication, marketing, television fiction, social media, advertising, journalism, and brands.

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