Fact-checkers. Women in fact-checking initiatives in the southern countries of the European Union

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María Francisca Montiel Torres
Laura Teruel Rodríguez


Introduction: The rise of misinformation across various communication channels, especially those supported by the Internet and social media, has made fact-checking increasingly crucial. Consequently, media outlets have reinforced these tasks, leading to the emergence of new business and social initiatives aimed at providing certainty to the public about what is true and false in the information they receive. While many academic studies address this concerning phenomenon, analyzing everything from the structure and content of hoaxes to the attitudes of those who receive and sometimes forward them, few inquire into the individuals working in fact-checking, let alone the presence of women in this new work environment. This study examines fact-checking initiatives in Southern European Union countries, particularly focusing on their working conditions by quantifying the involvement of women and the roles they play. Methodology: The research is based on the Fact-Checking Initiative Census compiled by the Reporters’ Lab at Duke University for Croatia, Slovenia, Spain, Greece, Italy, and Portugal in its 2023 update (N=20); the websites of the initiatives listed in the census; and European Union statistics from Eurostat, specifically from Eurostat labour market data. The sample selection criterion was the country where the verification initiatives are located, and the methodology being used was data analysis using descriptive statistical techniques. The data was enriched by monitoring the analyzed websites and their publications for one year. Results: The findings reveal that women constitute more than half of the workforce in the analyzed initiatives, significantly surpassing their representation in the overall employed population. Additionally, the presence of women in managerial positions is proportionally higher than that quantified across all businesses. Discussion and Conclusions: The discussion highlights how this emerging professional landscape offers opportunities to advance gender equality in journalism.


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How to Cite
Montiel Torres, María Francisca, and Laura Teruel Rodríguez. 2024. “Fact-Checkers. Women in Fact-Checking Initiatives in the Southern Countries of the European Union”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication 158 (December):1-22. https://doi.org/10.15178/va.2025.158.e1548.
Research Articles
Author Biographies

María Francisca Montiel Torres, University of Malaga

Doctoral candidate in Education and Communication (University of Malaga). Her research interests are data journalism, disinformation and its impact on citizenship and fact-checking initiatives. Degree in Science (Mathematics) from the University of Malaga, with Research Sufficiency in the Information Technology and Communications Program and specialized courses in High Level Languages and Programming. She has the Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude, and she is a Teacher of EGB by the University of Malaga. In her professional career she has held managerial responsibilities in the Institute of Educational Sciences and the Central Computer Services (University of Malaga), the Society of Planning and Development (Malaga Provincial Council), and has been General Director of Quality, Innovation and Prospective Tourism of the Junta de Andalucía. She participates in the project “Impact of disinformation in Andalusia: Cross-sectional analysis of audiences and journalistic routines and agendas. Desinfoand” (PAIDI).

Laura Teruel Rodríguez, University of Malaga

Professor of Journalism in the Department of Journalism at the University of Malaga, specializing in political journalism, polarization, disinformation and social networks. She has participated in six national research projects around which she has focused her scientific contribution. She is currently the main researcher of the project “Impact of disinformation in Andalusia: cross-sectional analysis of audiences and journalistic routines and agendas. Desinfoand” ProyExc00143 from the call for Excellence Projects, Andalusian Plan for Research, Development and Innovation (PAIDI). At the same time, she is a researcher of the national project (Ministry of Science and Innovation, Challenges): “The impact of disinformation in journalism: contents, professional routines and audiences (PID2019-108956RB-I00)”. She has completed her research and teaching training at the School of Humanities at the University of Oslo (Norway), London School of Economics- Cañada Blanch Institute- (England), School of Social Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina), University of Milan and Università Degli Studi of Padua (Italy). She has been a regular contributor to Agenda Pública-El País, where she has published articles on disinformation and polarization in Spain, the program Parlamento (RNE), The Conversation, Canal Sur Radio y Televisión, Cadena Ser, Málaga Televisión, 7TV, Málaga.


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