The elusivesense of independence in The island of Robinson Arturo Uslar Pietri
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In this study it will be addressed three important features of Uslar´s production that highlight within this historical novel, which are combined with the urgency that exists in the author to make the pencil a brush of thought. The first one will be to deal 'Robinson's island' as a historical novel; the second, its belonging to another well-known literary industry, such as travel literature; and the third, the relationship between writing and reality and thinking; a problem that underlies throughout the text. This historical novel recounts one of the most important periods in the history of Venezuela and Latin America, its independency. The narrator chooses the moment when she breaks the boundaries of the territory of Venezuela to become a Latin American and global matter. The work is a reflection on the meaning that had this event for Latin Americans, mainly through the thought of one of its largest ideologues, Simón Rodríguez.
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