Empowerment of Social Networks in Institutional Crisis
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This paper aims to delve into the use of social networks as communication vehicle truthful communication to the institutional vacuum, particularly in situations of risk to civil society. From the conception of institutional organizational existence arises as state action inherent protection of citizens and consequently spreading messages that could contribute to the public safety. When the broadcasting of messages in these circumstances is not proactive or even there, citizens seeking information sources organized as reactive to the risk they perceive life. For the establishment of the existence of these sources and their use parallel citizen, studied three areas of Mexico currently grappling situations of insecurity, particularly the states of Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas and Veracruz. The methodology has been applied in alms of a significant number of citizens divided equally between the capitals of the three states mentioned above. The most relevant results point to the lack of legitimacy of traditional sources of information towards the alternatives promoted by the citizens themselves.
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