The Burnout syndrome. Overview and development of the concept

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Anabella Martínez Pérez


Since two decades ago, Burnout syndrome has been known, diagnosed and prevented in increasingly general and nonspecific work areas. Thus, the disease is now being applied to situations such as job stress or chronic fatigue. Initially concerning only social and health workers, the ‘burning’ syndrome is widespread today, which is undoubtedly due to poor conceptualization and also because of certain organizations’ interests. Therefore, the main goal of this paper is to clarify the concept, to compare definitions and to show evaluative systems; to sum up, to establish a critical first level in the bibliographic references field, both domestic (Spain) and foreign. So, it will safely allow investigators to continue their research of remarkable hypothesis for Social Psychology: specific diagnosis, prevention and differential treatment of the syndrome with its own methods.


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Martínez Pérez, Anabella. 2010. “The Burnout Syndrome. Overview and Development of the Concept”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 112 (September):42-80.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Anabella Martínez Pérez, Universidad de La Rioja (España)

Licenciada en Psicología por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (1982), DEA y suficiencia investigadora por la Universidad de La Rioja (2009), actualmente investiga en lo que constituirá  la parte empírica de su tesis doctoral sobre el Burnout y la resiliencia en familiares cuidadores de enfermos de Alzheimer. Es profesora asociada de Psicología Social en la Universidad de La Rioja desde 1997 y Psicóloga en ejercicio de la Asociación de Enfermos de Alzheimer de La Rioja.  Ha publicado diversos trabajos sobre el envejecimiento y la enfermedad de Alzheimer desde el punto de vista social y ha participado en congresos, cursos, talleres de memoria, etc.


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