Teen consumption serious fiction
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This article presents the results of a research about the adolescents’ consumption of fiction series and serials targeted to a young audience. Young people’s preference for fiction in television programming has stimulated researches about their consumption of this television macro genre, especially since the 1980s. It has also to be remarked the parallel increase in the production of television fiction targeted to teenagers. Nowadays, in order to investigate youth’s consumption of television fiction, they have to be considered both the actual and complex multimedia environment, characterized by convergence and digitalization, and the multimedia and multitasking media consumption that young people are used to. The principal aim of the research has been the realization of a theoretical approach about adolescents and teen series, considered as serial fiction products targeted to a young audience. The approach at the studies about the young people’s television reception of the television fiction is based on the contributions realized in the period 1980-2009 in an international context. It is suggested a categorization of the studies according to five main categories: the cultivation effect, the study of motivations, the meanings appropriation by the young people, the construction of adolescents’ identities, and the series consumption and use.
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