The “tragic” pleasure in re-viewing a film: the spectator superior knowledge in second viewings, remakes, flash-backs and film adaptations of true events

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Mariona Visa Barbosa


This paper analyses the tragic trace that exists in the viewing of remakes, presequels, adaptations of true events, flash-backs and when the spectator realizes a second viewing of some films. The aim of this article is to study the reception of this kind of movies, taking into account the context and, specially, the previous information that the spectator has about the film. A tragic trace that in part comes from the stylistic procedures used by the director, but that can also proceed from extradiegetic elements or narratives games proposed by the spectator, that the director never could suspect, or that are not a priority aim at the moment of making the film.


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How to Cite
Visa Barbosa, Mariona. 2008. “The ‘tragic’ pleasure in re-viewing a film: the spectator superior knowledge in second viewings, remakes, flash-backs and film adaptations of true events”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 96 (June):1-15.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Mariona Visa Barbosa, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Mariona Visa Barbosa (Lleida, 1979) es doctora en Comunicación Social por la Universitat de Lleida y licenciada en Comunicación Audiovisual por la Universitat Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona. Es autora del libro “L’àlbum fotogràfic familiar. Un relat socialitzat de la pròpia vida.” (Publicacions UDL, 2013) y co-autora de “Madres en red: Del lavadero a la blogosfera” (Clave Intelectual, 2014). Es profesora investigadora en la Universitat de Lleida, en el Grado de Periodismo y Comunicación Audiovisual, y es miembro del Grupo de Investigación GECIEC (Grup d'Estudis de la Cultura i les Identitats a l'Europa Contemporània).


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