Men's magazines. Critical analysis of 8 headings: social trends, advertising, values

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Maribel Martínez Eder


Analysis of different men's magazines, DT, FHM, GQ, MAN, Men's Health, NOX, First Line and Vanity Gay, to assess their formal and aesthetic elements, but mainly to draw conclusions about the social, advertising and values ??in them is. They are visually attractive products, each aimed at specific segments of age, with a high presence of the image of women with a sexual charge. Here are some of the conclusions reached after the study included in the text.


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How to Cite
Martínez Eder, Maribel. 2007. “Men’s magazines. Critical analysis of 8 headings: social trends, advertising, values”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 88 (September):13-16.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Maribel Martínez Eder, FIATYR (Federación Ibérica de Telespectadores y Radioyentes)

Fundadora y presidenta de la Asociación Plaza del Castillo ATR Navarra de Usuarios de Medios de Comunicación, integrante de FIATYR (Federación Ibérica de Asociaciones de Telespectadores y Radioyentes). Fue miembro del Consejo Asesor de RTVE en Navarra.