The Cinema of Krzysztof Kieslowski: Perfection and Chance

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Jesús Solera


This article looks into the essence of the work of Polish director Krzystof Kieslowski (Warsaw, 1941–1996) and his scriptwriter Krzystof P isiewick (Warsaw, 1945). Their cinematography rests on two pillars, which paradoxi cally are confronted: Perfection and Chance or random events. Both pillars have a be aring on common lives in the Western world. The pressure exerted on man by the f irst pillar is countered by the lightness of the second one. Kieslowski ́s cinematog raphy reflects his own views on European society and this very approach separates h im from the frivolity and banality of postmodern cinema, characterized by the sterility and mechanization of cinematographic language. Kieslowski ́s solitary con finement and artistic isolation has given us a product that is a key element in cin ematography as we know it. Kieslowski and Pisiewick created a work that helps us understand our own very self.


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How to Cite
Solera, Jesús. 2009. “The Cinema of Krzysztof Kieslowski: Perfection and Chance”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 105 (May):235-40.
Author Biography

Jesús Solera, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (España)

Profesor de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Espa ña). Es licenciado en Bioquímica y Medicina. Sus trabajos han sido publicados en más de una decena de revistas especializadas.