Analysis of the new secessionisms in Spain

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David Caldevilla Domínguez


This text corresponds to research that deals with the secesionismos in Spain, its implications, its reality, its nature, reasons, pros and cons, the campaigns and the different views. This utterance collect documents on the subject. Among the information collected are Ibarretxe Plan, the legal view and the price of independence and an international case, that of Quebec. We present a case study and the fear of Basque companies that have the political price to pay. The 1989 revolutions in Eastern Europe had been a historical event of multiple resonance. On the one hand, were the collapse of communist systems built after 1945, on the other, meant the loss of the zone of influence that the USSR had built after his victory against Nazism and many do not hesitate to call the Soviet empire.


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How to Cite
Caldevilla Domínguez, David. 2007. “Analysis of the new secessionisms in Spain”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 82 (February):33-123.
Research Articles
Author Biography

David Caldevilla Domínguez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidad Europea de Madrid y Escuela Superior de Estudios de Relaciones Públicas

Licenciado y Doctor en CC.II. (Comunicación Audiovisual por la U. Complutense). Diplomado en Magisterio (U. de Zaragoza). Acreditado a titular (ANECA). Docente en: U. Complutense, U. Europea de Madrid, IED, ESERP e IPAM (Oporto, Portugal). Ponente y conferenciante y profesor en varios títulos propios (Telemadrid, Walter & Thompson, McCann…). Secretario General de la SEECI (Sociedad Española de Estudios de Comunicación Iberoamericana) y del “Fórum Internacional de la Comunicación y Relaciones Públicas” (Fórum XXI). Investigador Principal (IP) del Grupo Complutense de Investigación ‘Concilium, grupo de comunicación’. Autor de más de 50 artículos científicos, de más de 70 ponencias en Congresos y de 6 libros. Miembro de comités científicos en congresos y revistas científicas internacionales. Director de los Congresos CUICIID. Tertuliano radiofónico.

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