About Chickens and Emperors
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The Mapuche, also known as Araucanians by the Spanish in the days of the arrival of Europeans in Chile, 1 2 is a South American native people inhabiting southern Chile and southwestern Argentina. Thus generic mapuche covers all groups who speak or spoke or Mapudungun the Mapuche language, and particularly the term refers to the Mapuche in Araucania and their descendants. The origin of the Mapuche is not known with much certainty. However, it is known that around the V century AD and there were cultural events in Chile can be traced to the present day. Are mentioned as possible ancestors of the Mapuche creating groups of cultures Bato, El Vergel, and Pitrén Llolleo. There are different ethnic groups according to territorial identities.
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Aukanaw, Aukanaw. 2006. “About Chickens and Emperors”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 79 (October):1-6. https://doi.org/10.15178/va.2006.79.1-6.
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