One no leg of tourism in Peru

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Carlos Gamero Esparza


It is one of the most beautiful and exciting world. However, his record is well below resort standard elsewhere. It has launched a Strategic Plan to boost tourism in Peru, but it has not liked by the Peruvians. The wealth of natural and cultural resources of Peru, aupada to its magical aura of mystery and legend gold has always attracted the attention of visitors and travelers. But greed and profiteering by businesses and entrepreneurs, directly or indirectly to tourism are now the new spoilers, not of gold but of heritage tourism in this country. But this is what you are doing is to destroy centuries of history. There is also value the human and the needs of tourists. Splendor and misery come together because of a rich tourism is killing tourism in a poor country.


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How to Cite
Gamero Esparza, Carlos. 2004. “One no leg of tourism in Peru”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 59 (October):40-141.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Carlos Gamero Esparza, Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega

Reconocido Periodista peruano del Diario OJO de Lima. Licenciado con Diploma de Honor en la Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega.