Excellence in University and asymmetries in Spain

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Luis Rull Fernández


The salaries of university professors are rather low. But this difference increases when compared with those of our European colleagues. Only certain amounts allocated as accessories make these improve a bit, but nothing substantial. The most important are determined by the type of contract and seniority. In addition the policy for promoting research is different in each region, which leads only to the territorial asymmetry between Spanish universities.


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How to Cite
Rull Fernández, Luis. 2004. “Excellence in University and asymmetries in Spain”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 57 (July):10-15. https://doi.org/10.15178/va.2004.57.10-15.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Luis Rull Fernández, Universidad de Sevilla

Catedrático de Física atómica, molecular y nuclear en la Universidad de Sevilla (España). Pertenece al grupo de investigación FQM-205 de Física y Estadística de Líquidos (España). Autor de varias monografías y artículos científicos y de divulgación.