Emotional competence and academic performance in university students

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Iratxe Suberviola Ovejas


This study presents the purpose to demonstrate the benefits in the incorporation of the Emotional Education in the different educational stages, concretely as a promotion of the academic performance of the university students. For it, we realized an analysis in which there correlate the variable punctuations obtained in the TMMS-24 with the variable academic qualifications in a sample of students of 1 º degree in the University of La Rioja. The used instruments are: the TMMS-24; the theoretical exam; Paragraph for the practices.

 A correlational quantitative analysis is realized, between the variable punctuations obtained in the TMMS-24 and the variable academic qualifications, to three levels; 1) Of the whole sample and divided by the groups established according to the punctuations obtained in the TMMS-24 in each of the sub-scales; 2) the comparison of the averages in the qualifications theoretical and practical, according to the quartiles established with the punctuations obtained in the TMMS-24; 3) the analysis co relational of the variables, applying Pearson's test, pairing both the total punctuation and the punctuation of three sub-scales of the TMMS-24, with the qualifications obtained in the practical part and the theoretical one.


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How to Cite
Suberviola Ovejas, Iratxe. 2012. “Emotional competence and academic performance in university students”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 117E (February):1-17. https://doi.org/10.15178/va.2011.117E.1-17.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Iratxe Suberviola Ovejas, iratxe.suberviola@unirioja.es

Lda en Psicopedagogía, con el Diploma de Estudios Avanzados en la modalidad de Didáctica y Organización Escolar. Profesora del área de Teoría e Historia de la Educación en la Universidad de la Rioja. Actualmente estoy realizando la tesis doctoral con temática relacionada con la educación y las competencias emocionales.
Las líneas de investigación desarrolladas son: 1) inteligencia y educación emocional; 2) género y coeducación.
Autora de artículos y capítulos de libro relacionados con estas materias. Miembro del G.I de la Universidad de la Rioja: Igualdad y Género. Investigadora del Instituto de Estudios Riojanos. (IER)



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