Innovation and technology: need of changes in the processes of education - learning, incorporation of competitions and commitment from the educational formation
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We agree with Fullan that one of the most important difficulties for the improvement of the schools of the rich western countries is not the absence of innovation, but rather the presence of too many new unconnected, projects, fragmented and adorned with superfluous forms. The major problem that the schools face is fragmentation and excess of innovations.
The structural changes of organization, of management, of curriculum development, of working conditions, of typology of student body and so on. The last twenty years are, amazing and cause great UNCERTAINTY. To this situation we must add, the regional reality, that is to say, the own configuration of the country.
On the other hand, we cannot deny the possibilities of access to knowledge provided by the technological appliances and that causes, producing a psychological effect aggrandizement that increases our self-esteem and stimulates us to unlimited developments. We know that when an activity carried out with TIC is focused on the computer way and its applications, moreover these applications are not contextual and only generates information. The euphoria and uncritical use of technology as an innovation can hide a new messianic and to conceal an ideological perversion: the illusory levelling of the humanity as a consequence of the potential levelling of a part of their lives in cyberspace.
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