University teaching and research: complement or schizophrenia?

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José L. Yela


I am aware that the title of the article and this paragraph may seem pretentious (the article also certainly provocative). Reviews more authoritative than mine, which continues to be that of a modest observer of events, have been published repeatedly, some profusely documented data. With these lines, I clarify, I intend to contribute to the debate only a reflection, in terms of elements made by a teacher on the street. Of course, my opinion is mine alone, and therefore by definition partial. Help those who wish to supplement it; rebátaseme whatever is necessary. It is assumed that Everybody.


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How to Cite
Yela, José L. 2003. “University teaching and research: complement or schizophrenia?”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 19 (October):1-25.
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