Report of the department of toxicology, institute of health Carlos III on cell phones and electromagnetic fields

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Área de Toxicología del Instituto de Sal


Lately it has sparked a great interest in new connections to the Internet via cell phone (mobile), which account for relatively long times of exposure to electromagnetic fields at microwave frequencies. The very occasional use of mobile concern to many of our readers, because the simple fact of taking periodic emissions means connected device to check the connection to the repeaters. So Vivat Academia plays the next report, published by the newspaper El País.


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How to Cite
del Instituto de Sal, Área de Toxicología. 2003. “Report of the Department of Toxicology, Institute of Health Carlos III on Cell Phones and Electromagnetic Fields”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 19 (October):26-35.
Research Articles


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Información emanada de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, Boletines Informativos números 183 de mayo 1998; número 184 de mayo 1998; número 193 de mayo de 1998; número 205 de noviembre de 1998, y citas señaladas en la Bibliografía.

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