Weld 2000

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Arturo Pérez París


Exactly one year ago, I started writing in this great magazine. I welcome it, especially by the fact that I have commanded rollista fry asparagus. Although perhaps this is still possible. To quote the great Bogart: The Big Sleep: ... until the fat lady singing opera is not over. Well, if I remember correctly, was with Article: All you wanted to know about welding and dared not ask. It recently introduced a subject eminently academic, although very practical. However, things were said, and even sequels were never good, try to complete one, fulfilling the promise that he did.


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Article Details

How to Cite
Pérez París, Arturo. 2003. “Weld 2000”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 19 (October):40-52. https://doi.org/10.15178/va.2000.19.40-52.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Arturo Pérez París, Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Madrid

Escuela Politécnica de la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares. Ingeniero electrónico y literato. Destacan sus estudios sobre aplicaciones eléctricas y motricidad sobre los que ha publicado varios artículos científicos.

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