Conflict with supervised practice in the Bachelor of Pharmacy

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Xosé García Jiménez


A few days ago we heard that pharmacy students were meeting, almost permanently, the inability to practice law in the European Community countries, not being approved the Spanish title, lacking volume supervised practice for six months of full-time job in a pharmacy open to the public or a hospital pharmacy, this is equivalent to 900 hours, according to the average working time.

Students became aware of the problem in a report released by the team of the Faculty Dean, in which the study was reported by the EC, an economic sanction against the Spanish State for breach of the relevant guidelines, which explicitly stated those requirements.


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How to Cite
García Jiménez, Xosé. 2003. “Conflict with supervised practice in the Bachelor of Pharmacy”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 3 (March):1-7.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Xosé García Jiménez, Universidad de Alcalá de Henares

Profesor de farmacología en la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares (España) y miembro del Claustro de dicha Universidad. Autor de artículos científicos sobre química inorgánica y farmacopea, así como ponente y conferenciante en numerosos Congresos nacionales e Internacionales.