Argos program: Applied research on the perception and attention in real driving

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Miguel A. Recarte


The Directorate General of Traffic (Research and Training Branch Road) has been launched in this decade a research program, the Argos program, aimed at experimental study of driver behavior under real traffic conditions. This program has included the development of an advanced technological infrastructure based on an instrumented vehicle for information on driver behavior, which has been developed with technical support from the Faculty of Computer Science of the UPM. The system provides quantitative parameters on vehicle dynamics, actions on the controls and record the driver's eyes, including eye movements and pupil size while video images of the scene of the road with real-time indication of the fixation point of gaze. System Details are available on Recarte Nunes (1997). The data obtained enable behavioral studies linking road events or conditions of the driving task with attention to different elements or areas of the visual field.


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How to Cite
Recarte, Miguel A. 2003. “Argos program: Applied research on the perception and attention in real driving”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 6 (June):40-45.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Miguel A. Recarte, Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Profesor de la Universidad de Psicología. Universidad Complutense.


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