Scientific method and commercial interferences in the construction of the science of the protocol. A critical reflection for an innovative and credible process

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Fernando Ramos Fernández


The construction of a scientific theory of the Protocol; to raise the Protocol to the category of social Science, inside the set of the Communication, it has to happen for a rigorous series of phases by means of the scientific method, delimiting the object of study, once purified of the commercial excrescences that today bother her. The frame where this transformation happens must be the University, across the investigation, the publication and the contrast of the obtained information, in the conviction that the process will be long, that will demand the patience and the rigor and that do not exist short-cuts. In this article we study the necessary elements in order that the Protocol turns into a science and not simply in an auxiliary technology inside the politics of image of public of institutions like it it is nowadays. This is going to need serious changes and to conquer the old criteria of that Protocol in a mere technology of order of the authorities or the leaders of an institution, depending his range, in a public act.


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How to Cite
Ramos Fernández, Fernando. 2013. “Scientific Method and Commercial Interferences in the Construction of the Science of the Protocol. A Critical Reflection for an Innovative and Credible Process”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 125 (December):1-16.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Fernando Ramos Fernández, Universidad de Vigo

Doctor en Ciencias de la Información por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Licenciado en Periodismo por la misma Universidad y Técnico en Radiodifusión y Televisión por la Escuela Oficial de Madrid. Profesor Titular de Deontología y Derecho de la Información y la Publicidad en la Universidad de Vigo. Dirige el Foro Hispano-Luso Iberoamericano de Protocolo. Imparte el curso de Doctorado en Comunicación institucional y Protocolo en el Master de Lengua y Comunicación en los Negocios. Profesor invitado de diversas universidades españolas y extranjeras en cursos especializados superiores y masters de Comunicación y Protocolo. Director de la Academia de Protocolo de la Organización Internacional de Ceremonial y Protocolo.


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