The Representation of The Immigrant Characters in the Programs of Fiction

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María Marcos Ramos
Juan José Igartua Perosanz
Francisco Javier Frutos Esteban
Isabel Matilde Barrios Vicente
Félix Ortega Mohedano
Valeriano Piñeiro Naval


This article presents the results of a research study into the image of immigration as presented in television fiction after realizing an analysis of content to more than 2.000 characters and more than 100 programs  of prime-time fictional programming broadcast in 2011 on six television channel. The results have allowed to conclude that there exists an infrarepresentación of the immigrant characters, as well as a construction based on the use of stereotypes.


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How to Cite
Marcos Ramos, María, Juan José Igartua Perosanz, Francisco Javier Frutos Esteban, Isabel Matilde Barrios Vicente, Félix Ortega Mohedano, and Valeriano Piñeiro Naval. 2014. “The Representation of The Immigrant Characters in the Programs of Fiction”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 127 (June):43-71.
Research Articles
Author Biography

María Marcos Ramos, Universidad de Salamanca

María Marcos Ramos: es licenciada en Comunicación Audiovisual por la Universidad del País Vasco y doctora en Comunicación Audiovisual en la Universidad de Salamanca. Sus líneas de investigación actuales son la alfabetización mediática, la ficción cinematográfica y la imagen de los nmigrantes en la ficción nacional, tema sobre el que ha realizado su tesis doctoral


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