Holocaust, Nazism and Videogames: Analyse of Wolfenstein (Raven Software, 2009)

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Aarón Rodríguez Serrano


In the current research we will try to propose some introductory notions about the connections between videogames, nazism and Holocaust. In order to achive that goal, we have chosen as our object the last chapter of the Wolfenstein´s saga (Raven Software, 2009). We will apply a complex analyse technique who combines technical, aesthetical, narratological and socio-cultural techniques. In the first part of our paper we will realize a brief recapitulation of some different methodologies in the analysis of videogames. After that, we will propose a complex reflexion about the specific videogame language (control characteristics, interface, the graphic and sound construction…) and the connections with the classical theory of narration (plot and character). Finally, in the last epigraph, we will face the historical problematic, understanding our videogame as a text who is connected with concrete historical debates, and at the same time, with the postmodern way of creating universes. We will include a brief classification of the several videogames who had touched the Nazism issues during the last decades. 


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Serrano, Aarón. 2014. “Holocaust, Nazism and Videogames: Analyse of Wolfenstein (Raven Software, 2009)”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 127 (June):83-102. https://doi.org/10.15178/va.2014.127.83-102.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Aarón Rodríguez Serrano, Universidad Europea de Valencia - Escuela de Arquitectura, Departamento de Proyectos Arquitectónicos y Expresión Gráfica.

Profesor Titular de la Universidad Europea de Valencia, Máster en Historia y Estética de la Cinematografía (Universidad de Valladolid), Máster en Nuevas Tendencias y Procesos de Innovación en Comunicación (Universitat Jaume I - Castellón). Miembro de la Asociación Española de Historiadores del Cine y de la Asociación Trama&Fondo. 



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