Radio and Music Repetition on On-Demand Services

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For almost 100 years, music radio formats were in a kind of monopoly situation, regarding the established situation with the listeners. But with more and more music being digitalized and becoming available on the Internet, broadcasters, and particularly music radio formats, found to be threatened by a several digital alternatives. In this article, it is our intention to show how repetition, a radio landmark for broadcasting formats, is also a decisive tool to the on-demand music services, how this situation can threaten radio, and how may radio fight this menace.


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How to Cite
João. 2014. “Radio and Music Repetition on On-Demand Services”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 128 (September):21-37.
Research Articles
Author Biography

, SintagmaID S.L.

João Paulo Meneses. Jornalista, investigador e docente universitário.É jornalista desde 1987 e trabalha há mais de 20 anos na rádio TSF (Portugal) .Leciona em cursos de jornalismo desde 1998, sobretudo jornalismo radiofónico. Concluiu o doutoramento em 2008 na Universidade de Vigo e é autor de diversos libros sobre rádio (e ficção).




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