Attitude and Assessment in the Use of a Social Network for Learning French as a Foreign Language

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Alfredo Álvarez Álvarez


This article presents the most relevant findings from a study on the assessment that a group of students of the Degree in English Studies of the University of Alcalá made, about the subject French III, of the third year, taught in a social network. The aim, among others, was to assess the students' perception of the possible use of a virtual environment such as the network for learning a foreign language.

For the research, it was considered appropriate to adopt a methodological, quantitative approach, establishing two different lines of work. On the one hand, a mixed survey in four blocks was proposed and, on the other hand, the course was proposed as a series of tasks which, given their progressiveness, would lead not only to individual assessment but also to a quantitative assessment that could provide elements to compare with the survey carried out.

Generally speaking, the findings confirm the data acquired from other similar research carried out in other educational contexts, in learning a foreign language.

From this perspective and based on the study carried out, it must be pointed out that new lines of research are open, in particular regarding the assessment of the learning process of French as a Foreign Language in a TIC context.


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How to Cite
Álvarez Álvarez, Alfredo. 2014. “Attitude and Assessment in the Use of a Social Network for Learning French as a Foreign Language”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 128 (September):92-106.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Alfredo Álvarez Álvarez, Universidad de Alcalá. Alcalá de Henares. Madrid

Alfredo Álvarez Álvarez es profesor de Lengua Francesa en la Universidad de Alcalá (Madrid). Doctor por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, con una tesis sobre recursos en internet para el aprendizaje y la traducción del francés, sus trabajos de investigación versan sobre la integración de las tecnologías en clase, tanto en lo que respecta a la enseñanza de la lengua francesa como de su traducción. Sobre el tema ha realizado numerosas publicaciones, de las que puede mencionarse el libro Nuevas tecnologías para la clase de francés: teoría y práctica.


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