The English Language Teaching at an Early Age: The Impact of the Learning Process in Students From Public Schools

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David Quidel Cumilaf
Juan del Valle Rojas
Lissette Arévalo López
Catherine Ñancucheo Chihuaicura
Ramón Ortiz Neira


This research is about learning English as a second language at an early stage, where its main purpose is to reveal the impact on learning a second language during childhood. The participants were primary level students from four different public schools, which have high rates of vulnerability. The methodology is qualitative and this allows a greater flexibility and closeness within the everyday life context of the participants. The analysis used was the descriptive content analysis. This allowed for the making of inferences and applying them to the context in which this research was developed. Concerning to the main finding is clear that students who began English language exposure at younger ages, formally, achieve better learning, comprehension and motivation to it, than those who started at a later age


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How to Cite
Quidel Cumilaf, David, Juan del Valle Rojas, Lissette Arévalo López, Catherine Ñancucheo Chihuaicura, and Ramón Ortiz Neira. 2014. “The English Language Teaching at an Early Age: The Impact of the Learning Process in Students From Public Schools”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 129 (December):34-56.
Research Articles
Author Biographies

David Quidel Cumilaf, Universidad Católica de Temuco. Chile.

Profesor de inglés. Monitor del programa de Inglés Rural perteneciente a la Unidad de Curriculum y Evaluación del Programa Inglés Abre Puertas del Ministerio de Educación.

Juan del Valle Rojas, Universidad Católica de Temuco. Chile.

Profesor de inglés e Investigador. Colaborador en publicaciones sobre la enseñanza del idioma inglés, el bilingüismo y trilingüismo en contextos educativos, la educación intercultural y el racismo y la discriminación del pueblo mapuche en Chile.


Lissette Arévalo López, Universidad Católica de Temuco. Chile.

Profesora de inglés.

Catherine Ñancucheo Chihuaicura, Universidad Católica de Temuco. Chile.

Profesora de inglés. Docente en “Colegio Cumbres de Labranza”, dependencia municipal, Ciudad de Temuco

Ramón Ortiz Neira, Universidad Católica de Temuco. Chile.

Profesor de inglés.



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