Using New Technologies for the Elderly in a Rural Locality

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Mónica Matellanes-Lazo


With this article, we seek to carry out a vision of the possibilities the New Information and Communications Technologies offer for learning, concretely for their use by the elderly, understanding that these are means and channels to be used and enjoyed exclusively by youths, as several authorities think. Especially, if we keep in mind that we meet a constantly increasing number of elderly that decide to give answer to queries or ambitions that, for some reason, they have not been able to solve in previous times of their life. The latest breakthroughs in Information and Communications Technology provide the almost 8 million over-65-years-old Spaniards with solutions helping them to remain socially active. Therefore, we made a short descriptive questionnaire to attain the objectives we had in mind. The results show little and slightly growing use of Internet and the new technologies in a rural population called Cabezón de Pisuerga in Valladolic province. 


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How to Cite
Matellanes-Lazo, Mónica. 2015. “Using New Technologies for the Elderly in a Rural Locality”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 130 (March):35-63.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Mónica Matellanes-Lazo, Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes de Valladolid

Bachelor’s Degree (2001) in Advertising and Public Relations from the Complutense University of Madrid and PhD (2009) in Communication of Tourism from the University of Valladolid. 171 She has worked in Communication and Marketing in the wine area at Bodegas Viña Pedrosa and Matarromera Group. Currently she is adjunct professor of Communication and Marketing at Miguel de Cervantes European University of Valladolid. She has been Erasmus professor several times as well as congresswoman at foreign universities in Portugal (Lisbon, Ponte de Lima) and the UK (Aberystwyth). She is the author of several research papers in the area of communication and Web 2.0, last appearances in Marketing and Sales, Vivat Academia, Deusto & Harvard Journal, Reason and Word.


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