Femme Fatale’s Evolution in “Of Human Boundage”: From Temptation and Humiliation to Madness and Death

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Mariona Visa Barbosa


This article describes the females’s character evolution in the film Of human
boundage (John Cromwell, 1934), starring Bette Davis and Leslie Howard. The
female main character of the story plays typical femme fatale’s role, passing through different stages throughout the film, which are analyzed in detail in this article. At first, the woman appears discreetly and in a positive way, to go slowly transforming into a cold woman who constantly humiliates the male character. Finally, as in other films previous to World War II ending, her character is punished by the writers, sheltering her into madness and finally making her dye.
By contrast, the male character embodies the archetype of an anti-hero who will be transformed positively at the end of the story. This paper studies the evolution of the two protagonists of the film and in particular how the women as a femme fatale is represented in the different phases of the film. The analysis is based in a narrative methodology and applies the principles of the anthropological structures of the imaginary introduced by Gilbert Durand in the 60s.


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How to Cite
Visa Barbosa, Mariona. 2015. “Femme Fatale’s Evolution in ‘Of Human Boundage’: From Temptation and Humiliation to Madness and Death”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 130 (March):121-40. https://doi.org/10.15178/va.2015.130.121-140.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Mariona Visa Barbosa, Universitat de Lleida

Mariona Visa Barbosa (Lleida, 1979) es doctora en Comunicación Social por la Universitat de Lleida y licenciada en Comunicación Audiovisual por la Universitat Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona. Es autora del libro “L’àlbum fotogràfic familiar. Un relat socialitzat de la pròpia vida.” (Publicacions UDL, 2013) y co-autora de “Madres en red: Del lavadero a la blogosfera” (Clave Intelectual, 2014). Es profesora investigadora en la Universitat de Lleida, en el Grado de Periodismo y Comunicación Audiovisual, y es miembro del Grupo de Investigación GECIEC (Grup d'Estudis de la Cultura i les Identitats a l'Europa Contemporània).


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