Translation or adaptation? Ways of creating radio and tv spots for an advertising campaign
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Even though radio and television handbooks praise the specific nature and value of both their languages, as well as their means for the construction of persuasive messages, in practice, the creative transfer between them is felt qualitatively and quantitatively unbalanced. Thus, when facing the study of radio advertising one often comes across vox populi statements about its lack of creativity, its poor use of sound language and, even, its dependence on TV advertising.
Taking the concepts of translation and adaptation as a starting point, and within the framework of a comparative research about radio and TV spots which aims to analyse the problem in depth in order to find out how the different elements of radio and TV languages are used in today’s advertising, this article describes different kinds of connections that can be found between radio and TV spots of the same advertising campaign, according to their resemblance or fidelity.
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