The teaching of journalistic writing in the new stage of european higher education area (EEES). Coordination of practice programme in the grade in journalism
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The subjects related to journalistic writing represent a central content of the curriculum in the Degree in Journalism at the Universitat Jaume I (UJI) as they are directly related to the acquisition of important professional skills. In this sense, it is possible to define a teaching module consists of four subjects distributed in the second and third year of degree (Genres Journalistic Genres I, Journalistic Genres II, Journalistic Genres of analysis and opinion Journalism, and Specilized Journalism).
Beyond its theoretical foundation, all subjects from this module are characterized by their practical approach that seeks to train students in developing professional journalistic content. Consequently, the weight of the practice is in all of them between 60% and 75% of the total evaluation. Furthermore, the successive location of these subjects, and the strong progressive nature of its contents and associated professional competencies demands a remarkable pedagogical coordination for its proper development. From the experience of the first years of degree implementation, this paper provides a methodological proposal for the coordination of the module from three main results: a practice program organized by individual files; a joint evaluation model for the four subjects; and a global schedule that articulates its development along the core courses of the degree.
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