From the political agenda to the radio in Santiago de Cuba. A longitudinal studio of thematic transfer

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Viviana Muñiz Zúñiga
Rafael Ángel Fonseca Valido


This piece of research presents a four-time longitudinal analysis of the correlation among the media agenda of the local radio station in Santiago de Cuba, CMKC Radio Revolution, and the political agenda. Its general objective is to determine the extant correlation among the media agenda of the radio station CMKC and the political agenda in Santiago de Cuba in the years 2014 and 2015. The contribution of this piece of research is that is the first of its type in the country, as it explains the relationship between these two agendas in a province during different phases. The studio has been conceived from a quantitative methodology, and methods like Analysis - Synthesis and the Inductive-deductive are used as well as techniques such as Analysis of Content, correlation coefficient by Spearman ranges and participant Observation. With the analysis that was carried out it is demonstrated that there is a moderate, sometimes high relationship between the political agenda and the media agenda under study, and that this characteristic remains stable all through the time the analysis took place.


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How to Cite
Muñiz Zúñiga, Viviana, and Rafael Ángel Fonseca Valido. 2015. “From the political agenda to the radio in Santiago de Cuba. A longitudinal studio of thematic transfer”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 132 (September):182-219.
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Viviana Muñiz Zúñiga, Universidad de Oriente

Profesora del Departamento de Comunicación Social y Periodismo de la Universidad de Oriente, Imparte materias como Agencias de Noticias y Metodología de la Investigación.

Rafael Ángel Fonseca Valido, Universidad de Oriente

Profesor de periodismo en la Universidad de Oriente, Doctor en Ciencias de la Comunicación. Investiga temas relacionados con la optimización de los procesos productivos en los medios de comunicación.


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