Bicentennial Collection: Education or Indoctrination?

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Daniela Gavidia Strubinger
María Elena del Valle de Villalba


The texts found in the “Bicentennial” book collection have caused controversies in the Venezuelan social environment; while many people believe that the content
found in these books is purely political and that the texts are being distributed by the national government with the sole purpose of political indoctrination of young Venezuelans, the National Government and its supporters claim that an effort is being made to make education accessible to everyone by distributing these books for free throughout all the schools in the country. It is important to mention that although the books are free of charge, all schools in Venezuela are obliged by law to teach their students using the content found in these books. Moreover, Professor América Bracho, who coordinates the collection, explains how these books are based on “Tree of the Three Roots” 2 ideals proposed by the ex-president Hugo Chávez in his Blue Book (2010) literature and are key to understanding the foundations of the MVR2000 political party. In order to take an unbiased critical stance towards the emerging controversies that either criticize or support the content in these books, the following article analyzes one of the texts that was obtained from the collection with the purpose of evaluate whether or not the National Government is attempting to indoctrinate the Venezuelan younger generations.


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How to Cite
Gavidia Strubinger, Daniela, and María Elena del Valle de Villalba. 2015. “Bicentennial Collection: Education or Indoctrination?”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 131 (July):65-81.
Research Articles
Author Biography

María Elena del Valle de Villalba, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. Investigadora acreditada del CYET. Caracas (Venezuela)

Nacida en Caracas, Venezuela, el 10 de marzo de 1970, graduada de Profesora en la Universidad Pedagógica Libertador en el año 1992, con especialización en Historia Económica y Social de Venezuela en la Universidad Santa María, con Maestría en Historia Económica y Social de Venezuela, tesis con mención publicación y suma cum laude,  Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación en el Pedagógico de Caracas (en espera del acto), Coordinadora del Núcleo de Investigaciones Geohistóricas Lisandro Alvarado, cuenta con  proyectos financiados por la UPEL y con participación de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidad de Barcelona-España, Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canarias y Universidad Pedagógica de Colombia, investigadora certificada de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y del CELARG, ponente regular en eventos nacionales e internacionales, adscrita a la línea de investigación, Ciencias del lenguaje y con siete años de investigación en el área de análisis del discurso. Profesora Ordinaria de la Universidad Pedagógica Libertador. Investigadora acreditada del CYET.