Importance of the advertising
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The present work analyzes the advertising and the need to educate the population in this matter. Our aim with this article is to demonstrate the need to educate the citizenship, specially the children, in order that they learn to read advertising and, this way, to minimize its negative effects in the society. For it, in this article we are going to analyze the current advertising situation, paying particular attention to the infantile public, in order to know and to understand with greater detail the need of an advertising education. Also we will know the importance of the school in this labor that we raise. All that will allow us to conclude that - as it happens in the rest of areas of the life - the education is the only option to solve all the problems that stem from the great volume of advertisements to which we are exposed every day, to make really free citizens with regard to the consumption and of offering to the society an authentic autonomous capacity with regard to the advertising, as tool of the capitalist sector.
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