Conceptual management in chemistry through social networks

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Pedro Andrés Certad Villarroel


The main objective of the this article is to recognize the incidence of the use of social networks, especially Twitter, in a mediating role in managing basic concepts of chemistry in the Venezuelan high schools. This management was approached by analyzing the content of the interactions that, through recurrence of linguistic units of referents, occurred in the participation of students within the social network with participation in these interactions of the e-moderator. The findings clearly show the affinities of the student in the use of social networks and technological tools, the communication among peers and the saturation of contents, allowing consideration of this strategy when teaching concepts as it is innovating and easy to use by the actors participating there and maintenance of the concept according to what is established in the specialized books for consultation.


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Certad Villarroel, Pedro Andrés. 2016. “Conceptual management in chemistry through social networks”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 134 (March):1-21.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Pedro Andrés Certad Villarroel, Universidad Metropolitana

Coordinador de Educación y Tecnología.
Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación


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