Children and advertising from the perspective of parents, lawyers and religious persons
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To understand whether advertising is organized as a shared social representation, our research has focused on the social representations of a sample of subjects in which the development of the "standard" is not accidental, but rather the goal of their profession: it is lawyers who represent how subjects relate to "legal standards", priests with the "ideological standard", and parents with the "socio-educational standard" in the context of television, advertising and children. Especially considering whether ads should fit the already established children's time. For children, unlike adults, television is not a form of relaxation and escape because for them it involves great effort and hard work that they make through processes involving cognitive factors such as attention, understanding, memory, taste and identification. The methodology is qualitative and quantitative, through surveys. Confidence and willingness to buy are closely related to understanding, an area in which there are no references to gender. Boys and girls being eight years old show high confidence in the advertising message, they believe in the persons appearing in the advertisements and have a strong purchasing power on their own parents.
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