Neuroscience applied to television: measuring attention and emotion in the audience of FOREVER series

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Alejandro Tapia Frade
Elena Martín Guerra


In this paper we show the results of an experiment on the first chapter of the American series titled Forever, in which the electrodermal activity of a group of 30 people was measured simultaneously using Sociograph technology. After the broadcast a self-administered survey among participants in the experiment were carried out. The results show that increases in EDL are preceded by a sudden change in sound or visual situation and unpredictability linked to situations that generate anticipation for the uncertain outcome. The decreases occur in situations of quiet and calm, with predictable solution, that could generate boredom in the audience. The most important changes in EDR activity are given in relation to violent content, conversations between main characters with high emotional charge, and finally in situations with high expectation. Remarkable is the presence of music in all times. In the subsequent survey conducted at the end of the broadcast, the main characters got high overall ratings, which were involved in all sequences with increased EDL and EDR, that suggest that maintained a positive attentional and emotional relationship with the audience, which is an important key to the success of the series. This fact is certainly reinforced by a high overall rating of the series, as well as the intention to continue watching it in the future.


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How to Cite
Tapia Frade, Alejandro, and Elena Martín Guerra. 2016. “Neuroscience Applied to Television: Measuring Attention and Emotion in the Audience of FOREVER Series”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 134 (March):69-82.
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Alejandro Tapia Frade, Universidad Loyola Andalucía

Profesor Adjunto. Departamento de Comunicación y Educación. Universidad Loyola Andalucía.

Elena Martín Guerra, Sociograph Neuromarketing

CEO Sociograph Neuromarketing.


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