Pedagogical function of material resources in early childhood education
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Materials are key elements in planning educational activities in Early Childhood Education, along with the organization of space and time. This is one of the main reasons for the importance of knowing how to select and classify the different materials that are in continuous contact with students to foster and adapt them to the rapid changes that occur in children at this age. Many and varied are the material resources that can be used in the teaching of students at this stage, and it is clear that not all material can be adapted to the learners’ characteristics and needs. Therefore, teacher training is necessary in selection and classification of materials to support the teaching-learning process. The teacher must know the different characteristics that must meet any type of material that is in contact with students, its main qualities, uses, how it can promote learning, etc. A classroom can not be configured without considering the environment, that is, the climate where the child develops and internalizes relevant educational skills. Space and time are also resources that have to be taken into consideration and planned together with the materials.
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