Music and movement in Pixar: the TSU’S as an analytical resource

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Diego Calderón Garrido
Josep Gustems Carnicer
Jaume Duran Castells


The music for the animation cinema is closely linked with the characters’ movement and the narrative action. This paper presents the Temporary Semiotic Units (TSU’s) proposed by Delalande, as a multimodal tool for the music analysis of the actions in cartoons, following the tradition of the Mickey Mousing. For this, a profile with the applicability of the nineteen TSU’s was applied to the fourteen Pixar movies produced between  1995-2013. The results allow us to state the convenience of the use of the TSU’s for the music comprehension in these films, especially in regard to the subject matter and the characterization of the characters and as a support to the visual narrative of this genre.


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How to Cite
Calderón Garrido, Diego, Josep Gustems Carnicer, and Jaume Duran Castells. 2016. “Music and movement in Pixar: the TSU’S as an analytical resource”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 136 (September):82-94.
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Diego Calderón Garrido, Universidad Internacional de la Rioja

Diego Calderon Garrido: Doctor in History of Art, superior qualified in Modern Music and Jazz, professor of audiovisual communication. His lines of research revolve around the use of music in different audiovisual fields as well as the role that the music plays in characterizing the various communicative contexts. Orcid: 0000-0002-2860-674

Josep Gustems Carnicer, Universitat de Barcelona

Josep Gustems Carnicer: Doctor of Pedagogy, superior qualified in Music and a degree in Geography and History. He teaches music and sound in Audiovisual Communication at the University of Barcelona, where he is director of the Department of Teaching of Musical and Corporal Expression at the university. Author and editor of two volumes devoted to this topic: Music and sound in audiovisuals (2012) and Music and audition in the audiovisual genres (2014), both published by the UB. Orcid: 0000-0002-6442-9805

Jaume Duran Castells, Univesitat de Barcelona

Jaume Duran Castells: Doctor in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Barcelona and a degree in Philology, Linguistics, and DEA in art history. He is a professor at the University of Barcelona and collaborates with Engineering and Architecture with the Ramon Llull La Salle-Universitat and the Escola Superior de Cinema i Audiovisuals de Catalunya (Escac). He has taught courses, seminars and national and international conferences, and has published several works. He is a member of the board of the Catalan Society of Communication.


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