Video Clip and Socio-political Communication: The Vindicating Message in the Music Video

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Jennifer Rodríguez López
Ana Sedeño Valdellós


The music video as an audiovisual product broadcasted through mass media and it is a useful tool in order to transmit social, cultural and political messages. Through a criticism-stylistics-based methodology grounded in the analysis and description of vindicating aspects, the present paper studies several examples of video clips which convey a message of social denounce about multiple matters such as warfare, political, gender and sexual identity movements. This piece of research tries to confirm the power of the music video clip in the dissemination of this kind of messages and its contribution to the pro-rights struggles, not only as an audiovisual, hypermedia format but also as a mechanism that facilitates communication of profound social messages through seduction and spectacle in an entertaining, veiled and almost invisible way.


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Rodríguez López, Jennifer, and Ana Sedeño Valdellós. 2017. “Video Clip and Socio-Political Communication: The Vindicating Message in the Music Video”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 138 (March):1-15.
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