Gender perspective in urban research

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Elda Margarita Hernández Rejón
Raúl Treviño Hernández


By 2030 more than 60% of the world population will be urban, thus the problems will increase in urban areas, problems in services, housing, environment, roads, habitability and poverty. The growth of cities, urban poverty and their impact on the space, are therefore one of the major problems that the world faces. In Mexico, many cities are in total imbalance or in crisis, due to several factors such as environmental pollution, urban poverty, disorder in human settlements, traffic problems, loss of quality of life, uncontrolled occupation, and no order for public transport, among others, in addition to the shortage of planning instruments.  Clearly, the urgent need for further progress in urban research, incorporating diverse perspectives to deepen the knowledge of the problems of the territory. With regard to the inclusion of a gender perspective in the territorial and urban theme, it has become evident in the hope of minimizing inequality. This article presents an introductory review of the problems and challenges on the territorial issue, from a gender perspective that, without being exhaustive, involves the matters that we consider a priority. The authors, Professors of the Faculty of Engineering of the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas, members of the group of research in Consolidation, Territorial Planning and Sustainable Development in metropolitan areas, CA-UAT-89.



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How to Cite
Hernández Rejón, Elda Margarita, and Raúl Treviño Hernández. 2016. “Gender perspective in urban research”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 134 (March):47-56.
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