"Case of the tapping": contributions to the study of spinning in Portugal

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The Portuguese Público opinion was surprised in August 2009 for two front page news of the newspaper Público saying that elements of the Presidency pf the Republic suspected that that were being heard / watched by the Government. Information released later showed that after all it was a case of spinning, with its respective spin doctor clearly identified. This text tries to characterize the case, using various documents, without losing sight of what is understood to be necessary: a conceptualization of spinning (and its relationship with the press office).


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How to Cite
Joao Paulo. 2017. “‘Case of the tapping’: contributions to the study of spinning in Portugal”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 140 (September):100-114. https://doi.org/10.15178/va.2017.140.100-114.
Research Articles
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