Vivat Academia is a scientific journal with the primary objective of publishing original and unpublished research. It focuses on various thematic areas classified according to UNESCO codes and the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC). As such, its target audience consists of researchers and academics who contribute their work to advance knowledge in these fields of study. The codes provide a more precise reference for the journal's scope:

UNESCO Code 531101: Pertaining to Corporate Communication. Including themes like organizational communication, public relations, reputation management, and internal communication within companies and institutions.

 UNESCO Code 591002: Related to Social Communication. Encompassing topics such as interpersonal communication, media, public opinion, and audience studies.

UNESCO Code 611401: Encompassing Political Communication. Addressing topics related to communication in the political sphere, including electoral communication, political propaganda, public opinion, and governmental communication.

Universal Decimal Classification 378.4: This classification is used in libraries to categorize topics related to Higher Education. It covers areas such as university education, educational planning, curriculum development, and academic institution management.

Universal Decimal Classification 654.19: Referring to Broadcasting. Covering subjects related to radio program transmission and dissemination, both technically and content-wise. Topics include radio program production, radio station management, programming and content scheduling, as well as the study of radio as a medium of communication and its societal influence.

Universal Decimal Classification 659: Used for topics related to Advertising and Marketing. Including themes such as advertising strategy, market research, product promotion, and brand management.

Authors can refer to these codes to gain a precise understanding of the journal's scope concerning various areas of communication and higher education.

The journal is bilingual in Spanish and English. While the official language is Spanish, contributions in the original languages of English, French, Italian, and Portuguese are accepted.

Starting from 2021, it adopts a continuous publication model, releasing articles individually as the editorial process concludes in an open-access electronic format. Articles submitted to Vivat Academia cannot be simultaneously under consideration by another journal.

Vivat Academia is a peer-reviewed journal that follows the double-blind peer-review system, following the publication guidelines of the 7th edition of the American Psychological Association (APA). This method ensures unbiased, objective, and transparent arbitration, facilitating the inclusion of articles in internationally recognized databases, repositories, and indexes.

The journal employs the Open Journal System, which is a free, open-source software for journal management and publishing, developed, supported, and freely distributed by the Public Knowledge Project under the GNU General Public License.