publication standards
VIVAT ACADEMIA will only accept manuscripts through the OJS management platform (for technical problems contact, once the article has been received, an acknowledgement of receipt will be sent by automatic email generated by the platform itself. The works will undergo an initial evaluation by the Editorial Committee, in which it is verified that the manuscript is in accordance with the criteria of clarity, pertinence and relevance, as well as the editorial guidelines of the journal. Failure to comply with the criteria reflected in the Checklist will result in automatic rejection. It is also important that the subject matter addressed is of interest to the journal. Authors of articles that are not accepted in this first evaluation will be informed of their rejection within a period not exceeding fifteen (15) working days.
If your article is accepted for peer review, the total estimated time of the editorial process will depend to a large extent on how many rounds of review the manuscript must undergo. In each round of review, authors will have 5-10 calendar days to make the necessary corrections, depending on the number of corrections suggested for each paper. As a rule, the journal will not admit more than 3 rounds, if at the end of these, the article will be rejected, as it means that the aspects pointed out by the reviewers in the previous rounds are not being corrected. The maximum time limit for scientific evaluation is 90 days, the average review response time is 40 days.
Once the manuscript has been accepted for publication, it will move on to the editing stage. During this stage, the manuscript will undergo bibliographic and style correction; it is estimated that this process will take around 15 days to complete, depending on the delay in the response of the authors to the corrections requested at this stage.
Once the article has been corrected from the ortho-typographical and bibliographical point of view, it will be submitted for translation into English or Spanish, if the original language differs from the original. The official language of the journal is Spanish, although contributions are accepted in English, French, Italian and Portuguese. The journal is bilingual in its publication as texts are always published in English translation. The estimated time for this phase is 10 working days.
From the year 2021 the journal adopted the continuous publication system, uploading articles individually as the editorial process is completed in open access electronic format, prior to the publication of the official issue the articles will be available in the section "Accepted articles" where they can be cited and consulted through their DOI.
The estimated maximum time for completion of the entire editorial process from receipt of submission to final publication is 16 weeks.
Vivat Academia considers that the following formal data are mandatory for any type of contribution submitted to the journal. Failure to comply will result in the rejection of the manuscript.
Only unpublished works will be considered and that are not in the process of being refereed by other journals. Authors are the only ones legally responsible for the assertions made in their text, as Vivat is not responsible for these opinions.
Articles will be submitted ONLY through the journal's OJS management platform. For technical problems please contact
Articles should be submitted in Word format for PC.
The following files should be attached as complementary files: an anonymous version of the manuscript and the letter of originality, the latter in .word or .PDF format.
The author must upload supplementary files in step 4 of the submission process. They are expected to belong to one of the following component classifications:
1. Text of the article: The text of the original article.
2. Research results: (Transcripts; excel of graphs; excel tables, etc.)
3. Multimedia: (videos or multimedia materials)
4. Image: (images included in the body of the paper)
5. Other: (Letter of originality; Anonymised text)
As part of our commitment to contribute to an increasingly open and free science we encourage our authors to deposit supplementary materials or at least the research data underlying publications in open access institutional or thematic repositories federated in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
With regard to the data, content, structure and style of the originals, authors shall observe the following rules in order to achieve greater efficiency in the editorial management of the papers:
The letter of originality and assignment of rights must be submitted through the journal's OJS management platform, as a complementary file (in the "Other" classification).
Maximum length. It is recommended -although not compulsory- that articles should be no less than 5,000 words and no more than 8,500 words in length. As for the number of pages, they will be:
Research articles. Original and unpublished, the result of a scientific research, whose expression in articles has the usefulness of being validated and disseminated to the scientific community (depending on the template).
Review articles. This is a publication format in which an updated, critical and evaluative analysis is carried out, based on the study of the existing scientific literature, on a specific research problem: in no case is it exclusively a meta-analysis or an uncritical compilation of published research, but it must provide a new state of the art on the subject being dealt with (depending on the template) with exhaustive use of existing bibliography.
Review. Up to 3 pages in length, according to the template. In the case of reviews, an editorial filter is applied for their selection, based on the relevance, interest and objectives of the books reviewed. Reviews of books older than 3 years will not be accepted.
Title. In Spanish and English and in the original language of the contribution (in case it differs from the two previous ones). The title should be informative and concise, should not include acronyms and should not exceed 15 words including articles, prepositions and conjunctions. It should be in capital letters, bold, Book Antigua at 14, single-spaced and centred.
Authors' details. They will be in lower case, Book Antigua to 12, bold, single spaced and adjusted to the left. Full names, never abbreviations, and two surnames should be written for each of the signatories. In order to increase the visibility of the authors' work, it is suggested that the authors register with: The International Register for Authors and Scientists, in ORCID, in ACADEMIA.EDU, Google Citations-Google Academics-Google Scholar, in EXIT directory, Research Gate and Redalyc, which will result in a greater accounting of authorship for the purposes of document indexing and, consequently, counting references and citations.
The affiliation: it should be written after the full stop and followed by the authors' data, not in bold type. The name of the Organisation / Institution / Superior Entity to which each of the authors belongs must be written (the name of the institution must be written in its language of origin). The country to which the institution belongs must be written after a full stop. The e-mail address of each author should be written below the author's data and affiliation. It is required to indicate the institutional e-mail, avoiding generic ones (Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo...).
Rocío García Hernández. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Spain.
Main author: the following data of the corresponding author must be indicated in a footnote (inserted after the name of the main author): full name and surname, without abbreviations, affiliation and official e-mail address of the institution, in Book Antigua 10 bold typeface. Then a brief CV of no more than 3 lines in normal Book Antigua 10.
Abstract: To be in lower case, Book Antigua at 12, single spaced and justified. In Spanish and professional English and in the original language of the contribution (in case it differs from the previous comments). The text of the abstract, which must contain between 200 and 250 words and must not include bibliographical references. Both the summary and the abstract will follow this model of presentation:
Introduction. It is analysed (...). Methodology. We proceed to (...). Results. The main consequences (...). Discussion. In view of the above (...) Conclusions. At the end we find (...).
Keywords. In Spanish and English and in the original language of the contribution (in case it differs from the previous comments). It is compulsory to write 5-7 keywords. They should be written in lower case, Book Antigua to 12, single spaced and justified, comma separated. In order to favour a standardised description of the articles in our journal, please use, as far as possible, terms taken from the SKOS Thesaurus (UNESCO Thesaurus).
Headings and sub-headings: headings and sub-headings should be numbered using Arabic numerals and follow a staggered block order, responding to the hierarchical relationship in which the author shows the relationship of the contents of the manuscript, with a maximum of three levels.
Vivat Academia maintains mandatory structures for the different types of accepted articles, as explained below. Citations, endorsements, acknowledgements and acknowledgements to individuals or institutions that have sponsored the article are permitted (See article template for location).
If the proposed contribution is a Research Article, the headings are:
INTRODUCTION: the introduction should set out in an up-to-date manner the state of the question in which the research is framed, it should reflect the objectives and the contribution of the research. Sub-headings are allowed.
OBJECTIVES: in this section, authors should identify as clearly and concisely as possible the objectives of the research set out in the article. Sub-headings are allowed.
METHODOLOGY: this section should outline the methods/techniques/procedures/approaches/models that will be considered in obtaining the research results. Sub-headings are allowed.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: the results obtained will be presented, analysed and discussed how the hypotheses have been contrasted in relation to the research objectives. The relationships, consequences and generalities that indicate the results obtained will be reflected. The results will be compared with similar existing research in the scientific community, without prejudice to what is stated in the introduction, and the methodological aspects of the research presented that could be improved will be reflected. Sub-headings are allowed.
CONCLUSIONS: conclusions must be directly related to the objectives of the work and the results obtained; they must be a set of deductions from the results and the research problem. Conclusions that are not directly related to the research, as well as to the results presented, should be avoided. Sub-headings are allowed.
RECOMMENDATIONS: these will be cited on the basis of their direct relationship with the research results, especially if there were limitations that prevented further study of specific aspects of the research presented.
REFERENCES: The style of the American Psychological Association (North) (APA-7th Edition) will be used for the organisation and writing of the bibliography, available at: APA Standard Manual 7th edition. All references will be included in alphabetical order whatever their type (book, article, thesis...) without distinction. Book Antigua 12, French indentation 0.5 cm and justified. Between bibliographical references there must be 1 blank space, single spaced. When an author repeats, his or her name should be rewritten, avoiding hyphens -----.
It should be stressed that the use of references will be assessed by the reviewers on the basis of:
a) the correct citation of the reference, according to the bibliographic style of the APA-7th edition,
b) the use of current literature appropriate to the research topic, especially in the Introduction and Discussion.
c) the use of international information sources.
AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS, FUNDING AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The journal Vivat Academia, as a measure to avoid the exchange of quotations and the attribution of authorship that does not correspond, has decided to include in its template for articles the section on Author Contributions, therefore, at the end of the bibliography, all the contributions made by each author, both to the research and to the writing of the article, must be set out in accordance with the proposed structure. In the case of articles by a single author, the same is not valid, as it is understood that all the related points correspond to the same author.
CURRICULUM VITAE: a summary of the professional curriculum of each and every one of the authors must be included, which must not exceed 120 words per author. It is compulsory to include the identifying links to at least these platforms: ORCID and GOOGLE SCHOLAR and we advise submitting those of: RESEARCH GATE, ACADEMIA.EDU and ID-REDALYC.
APPENDICES / ANNEXES: Documents whose volume makes their inclusion in the text undesirable, but which are important for its comprehension, should be included. They will therefore be included after the text and separately, under this heading and numbered in arabic numerals if there is more than one.
In the case of Review Articles, some flexibility will be maintained in the headings, with only the following being compulsory: INTRODUCTION - OBJECTIVES - CONCLUSIONS - REFERENCES and CURRICULUM VITAE, all others being at the author's discretion. In addition, sufficient citations to previous works must be provided.
Names, symbols and nomenclature. Authors should use those that are standardised for each discipline.
Figures. Figures shall mean all types of visual elements other than tables, e.g. illustrations, infographics, photographs, graphs, flow charts, drawings, maps, etc.
The following specifications regarding the definition of the images shall be taken into account:
Files in .JPG (colour or greyscale), must be at least 300 pp.
The title of the figures must be clear and precise, and the source or origin must be mentioned below and centred, in bold and Book Antigua 12.
The use of graphs is suggested to reflect trends or relativised data.
They should be presented in the simplest format that allows the correct interpretation of the underlying data, avoiding as far as possible the use of three-dimensional graphs, highlights, glosses and other elements that do not add specific value to the interpretation of the graphs.
Tables: The title of tables should be clear and descriptive, and will be placed as a heading, in bold, centred, Book Antigua 12. The typeface in tables should be Book Antigua 10, normal. Redundancy of information between tables, figures and text should be avoided, as well as tables that offer simple information. In these cases, the synthesis of information in as few tables as possible is recommended. The source should be cited below the table, centred, in bold, Book Antigua 12. In addition, authors are requested to attach these elements in editable formats (Excel, etc.) as additional files, as far as possible, in order to facilitate the final layout of their articles.
Numbering within the text. In-text numbering (not heading numbering) in Arabic numerals. It is not preceded by a blank space, but is followed by a blank space:
First item (Book Antigua 12, left number position at 0.63 with French indentation, justified, single spaced).
Second item (Book Antigua 12, left number position at 0.63 with French indentation, justified, single spaced).
In references, all electronic publications (such as journals) must include the doi or url. The url must be from the original publication and not from repositories.
All authors cited in the text must appear in the bibliographical references.
The reference of each author cited must be complete: author's name, date of publication, title of the work and publisher in the case of books, and in the case of articles, author's name, date, title, name of the journal, volume, number, pages and doi.
Indirect or referential quotation in the normal text. When paraphrasing or alluding to ideas from another work, the author and the year of the reference work are placed in brackets; it is recommended to indicate the page if the text from which they were taken is long (Author, Year, p. XXX). If the sentence includes the author's surname, only the date is written in brackets (Year). If the author is not included in the sentence, the surname and the date are written in brackets (Author, Year). When there are between three and five authors, in the subsequent mentions, only the surname of the first author is used, followed by the phrase et al. If there are more than six authors, et al. is used from the first mention.
Direct or verbatim quotation in normal text of less than 40 words. The quoted text is enclosed in inverted commas. If the work has one or two authors, both surnames are cited throughout (Author and Author, Year). When it has more than two authors, only the surname of the first author is used without italics, followed by the phrase et al.
Direct or textual quotation in normal text of more than 40 words. If the quotation is longer than 40 words, the text is written en bloc, without inverted commas, on a separate line, indented left by 1.25 cm, without indenting the first line of the quotation.
Change in authorship. Applications must be sent to the editor of the journal exclusively by the main author, who must also state:
The reasons why the author's name should be deleted or added and the name of the authors with the definitive order to be presented in the manuscript, with all their details. Written confirmation from the rest of the authors of the manuscript stating their agreement with the modification of authorship. Requests that are not made by the corresponding author will be sent to the corresponding author and the process described above will be followed.
Until the change of authorisation process is completed, the manuscript will not be published definitively and may therefore constitute a delay in the final publication process.
Important notice for authors: we recommend the adoption of a pen name, for a correct indexing of the article in international databases, consisting of a first name and a single surname for uncommon names and surnames, or the first name and both surnames joined by a hyphen for the most common ones (e.g. Rosa López-Gil).
The importance of writing a good title and abstract is that whether potential readers will actually read the full paper (especially in electronic searches) depends to a large extent on their readability.
Letter of originality and transfer of rights
Editorial practices in Gender Equality
Vivat Academia encourages the use of non-sexist and inclusive language in scientific publications. For this reason, authors are requested to use forms that include both women and men in their texts. The use of non-sexist language is not a binding criterion for rejection of the manuscript; however, authors should abide by any recommendations that may arise during the editorial process of the manuscript to ensure that the text presents inclusive language.
Similarly, in Vivat, authors of postulated papers who have written their manuscripts using gender as part of the research data are encouraged to report in their conclusions whether gender differences have been taken into account.