The Revista Vivat Academia will only accept manuscripts through the OJS management platform (for technical problems contact, once the article has been received, an acknowledgement of receipt will be sent by automatic email generated by the platform itself. The works will undergo an initial evaluation by the Editorial Committee, in which it is verified that the manuscript is in accordance with the criteria of clarity, relevance and relevance, as well as the editorial guidelines of the journal. Failure to comply with the criteria reflected in the Checklist will result in automatic rejection. It is also important that the subject matter addressed is of interest to the journal. Authors of articles that are not accepted in this first evaluation will be informed of their rejection within a period not exceeding fifteen (15) working days.

If your article is accepted for peer review, the total estimated time of the editorial process will depend to a large extent on how many rounds of review the manuscript must undergo. In each round of review, authors will have 5-10 calendar days to make the necessary corrections, depending on the number of corrections suggested for each paper. As a rule, the journal will not admit more than 3 rounds, if at the end of these, the article will be rejected, as it means that the aspects pointed out by the reviewers in the previous rounds are not being corrected. The maximum period for scientific evaluation is 90 days, the average review response time is 40 days.

Once the manuscript has been accepted for publication, it will move on to the editing stage. During this stage, the manuscript undergoes bibliographical and style correction, and it is estimated that this process will take around 15 days to complete, depending on the delay in the response from the authors to the corrections requested at this stage.

Once the article has been corrected from the ortho-typographical and bibliographical point of view, it will be submitted for translation into English or Spanish, if the original language differs from the original. The official language of the journal is Spanish, although contributions are accepted in English, French, Italian and Portuguese. The journal is bilingual in its publication as texts are always published in English translation. The estimated time for this phase is 10 working days.

From the year 2021 the journal adopted the system of continuous publication, uploading articles individually as the editorial process is completed in electronic format of free access, prior to the publication of the official issue the articles will be available in the section
‘Accepted articles’ where they can be cited and consulted through their DOI.

The maximum estimated time for the completion of the entire editorial process from receipt of the submission to final publication is 16 weeks.