From Outbreak to Recovery: An Observational Analysis of the Romanian Government's Online Communication during and post-COVID-19

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Tanase Tasente
Mihaela Rus
Georgiana Tanase


Introduction: The expanding digital era has transformed government communication, especially during crises like the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aims to comprehensively evaluate the digital communication strategies of the Romanian Government during the pandemic and its aftermath, emphasizing the importance of effective communication in times of crisis. Methodology: For this comprehensive analysis, quantitative and qualitative techniques were combined. Data were collected from Facebook using and processed in RStudio. Key aspects were examined, including the categorization of communication phases, posting frequency, metrics of public interaction (comments and actions), and the analysis of the overall sentiment tone. Results: The findings reveal that during the COVID-19 crisis, the Romanian Government dedicated 42.3% of its 3,465 Facebook posts to the virus. This percentage significantly decreased to 1.46% after the crisis, indicating a thematic shift in government communication. Public engagement also decreased post-pandemic, with a shift towards global narratives, especially tension between Ukraine and Russia. The sentiment analysis shows an overwhelmingly positive language aimed at inspiring trust and hope. Conclusions: This study highlights that, following the COVID-19 crisis, the Romanian Government adapted its digital communication, experiencing lower public engagement but maintaining a positive tone. This underscores the importance of effective government communication during and after crises, a critical element for ensuring public trust and social cohesion. These findings offer valuable lessons for government communication management in times of uncertainty and emphasize the need for continuous adaptation in a constantly evolving digital world.


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How to Cite
Tasente, Tanase, Mihaela Rus, and Georgiana Tanase. 2023. “From Outbreak to Recovery: An Observational Analysis of the Romanian Government’s Online Communication During and Post-COVID-19”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication 157 (November):1-21.
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Tanase Tasente, Ovidius University of Constanța

Tasențe Tănase: is a lecturer and ERASMUS coordinator at the Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences at Ovidius University in Constanta. He holds a bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degree in Communication Sciences and a master's degree in European Administration, Institutions, and Public Policies. With over 100 published scientific papers and 4 authored books on institutional communication through social media and public policy strategies, the author has made significant contributions to the academic community. Additionally, he is the director of two international public relations companies, Plus Communication and International Communication & PR, where they have overseen marketing, advertising, and public relations campaigns for renowned multinational companies. His combination of academic and professional experience has equipped them with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in various fields of communication and administration.

Mihaela Rus, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania

Rus Mihaela: is a full professor and esteemed academic and psychologist with extensive experience in various areas of research. She currently serves as the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences at Ovidius University of Constanta, where she promotes academic development and excellence. She is also the President of the College of Psychologists in Romania - Constanta Branch, representing the interests of psychologists in the country. As a PhD holder in psychology and a PhD supervisor at the Romanian Academy, she has published over 100 scientific articles in international journals and authored 10 specialized books, establishing a reputable position in the academic and psychological community. Her areas of expertise include social psychology, work and organizational psychology, forensic psychology, and road safety psychology.

Georgiana Tanase, Independent researcher

Tănase Georgiana is an independent researcher focused on public administration. She obtained her Bachelor's degree in Public Administration and a Master's degree in Public Institutions Management from the Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences at Ovidius University in Constanta. Through her studies and research at Ovidius University, Georgiana has developed a comprehensive understanding of administrative processes. Her work primarily revolves around the dynamics of public institutions and their management strategies.


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